CC-2 USS Wright Ship Photo T-Shirts


CC-2 USS Wright ship photo t-shirt (stylish photo design of USS Wright on back of shirt, and your choice of Navy Logo or Navy Veteran Logo on front left breast).


US Navy CC-2 USS Wright ship photo t-shirts. Our 2-sided US Navy ship CC-2 USS Wright Ship Photo T-Shirts feature a stylish graphic showing a ship photo of the USS Wright, ship name, hull number and ship insignia on the back of the t-shirt, and the front left breast of the t-shirt features your choice of either the general United States Navy logo or a special Proud to Have Served Navy Veteran logo. Our T-shirt sizes range from youth large to Adult 3XL (a surcharge applies for 2XL and 3XL sizes). Our US Navy photo T-Shirts are available in white or light gray colors.